Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A Gift for a Gift: or Making Prosphora for the Holy Eucharist

To begin, gather the gifts God gives us to experience Him through all of our senses, as you have available:

incense burner
beeswax candle
seal - gotta have this
prayers or psalms to read
list of people you are praying for

If you use this recipe, turn the oven down to 350 after 15 minutes, and bake the bread for another 20 minutes, or you may have the alter boys furrowing their eye-brows, trying to separate the raw dough from the edible bread to use for anti-doron. I would know nothing about that.

Tip: Since there is no oil used in the process, keep the dough from drying out while rising by using a clean, wet dish towel to cover the bowl of dough.

In this icon, Christ is visually the Bread of Life, filling the Eucharist cup.

After we take the Eucharist, we give thanks for Christ our Light & Life, entering us, and we are to go out into the world and live our lives so that we shine Christ's Light and Love.

Here are a few more pics from another post of mine.


  1. Thanks for sharing that.

  2. Are you familiar with I use the bread machine recipe there. It works really well...

    The unworthy priest,

    Fr. Gregory Hogg

  3. Thank you! I am very curious about the Prosphora process. I can handle the bread-making -- it's the use of prayers and Psalms that I am clueless about. Do you know of any good resources as to what to pray and when?

  4. I'll post some ideas for prayers soon, but really there is no "set" rule. Your choice of a variety of things would all be fine. Maybe everyone could contribute their ideas and I'll post one big list.
