Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Gift of The Good Samaritan

This morning's Gospel reading was the story of the Good Samaritan. Our priest shared a beautiful teaching of the church that I had not heard before.

Who is the Samaritan?
Who is the one beaten on the side of the road?

Christ is the Good Samaritan and we are the ones who were beaten by the world and by sin, left for dead. Christ picks us up, cleans our wounds, anoints us with the oil of His mercy and with wine. He brings us to the Inn - His Church - for the innkeeper to continue the work of our healing.

Sigh of relief. Smile of gratitude. Sounds so good to be taken care of so lovingly by the Lord Jesus Christ.

The challenge from Christ, after the story: Now, go and do likewise.


  1. this is an icon by monastery icons - you might be interested in reading a bit about them, they are not recommended for use by Orthodox Christians
