Monday, August 13, 2018

Catechism for Ancient Literature and History - Age of the Patriarchs

Inspired by Joshua Gibbs, I have undertaken to write a similar text for oral recitation for our Homeschool this year. We are studying the Ages of Grace cycle entitled Age of the Patriarchs,
using the Prologue schedule, and the K-1st Grade Reading List available in the Ages of Grace facebook group and whatever materials we can create -- like this High School Curriculum.
What you see below is a work in progress and I welcome feedback from other parents and teachers.

My children range from ages six to fifteen, so I have revised this mini-recitation within the
larger one for the six-year old. He will just stand with us and listen to the rest.

Students stand and read aloud in unison, each from their own copy. However, the teacher says the Elementary timeline and the students repeat it.

When is Ancient History?
Our Ancient History covers roughly 6000 years before the time of Christ - Before Christ is shortened to BC.

What is the Elementary Timeline? (with hand motions)
Creation, Fall, Flood over all                      (Children Echo)
2000 BC Abraham, Isaac Jacob                    (Children Echo)
1000 BC Joseph, Egypt, Slavery, Moses                 (Children Echo)
Joshua-Conquest, Judges                     (Children Echo)
Kings, Divided Kingdom                         (Children Echo)
700 BC Exile to Assyria - Homer writes Epics in Greece        (Children Echo)
600 BC Exile to Babylon - Daniel and the 3 Holy Youths        (Children Echo)
500 BC Return under Persia                     (Children Echo)
Shhh.. 400 years of silence from the Bible             (Children Echo)
Meanwhile.... 300 BC Alexander the Great             (Children Echo )
100 BC The Roman Empire                    (Children Echo )
20 BC Virgil writes his stories                    (Children Echo )
Anno Domini - follow that star - in the Year of our Lord        (Children Echo )

What is the Upper School Timeline?

2300 BC The Flood destroys all but Noah and the Ark
2100 BC Job suffers long
2000 BC  Abraham the Patriarch follows God to a new land

There he begat Isaac, who begat Esau and Jacob, who begat 12 sons, one of them Joseph, who was sold into slavery in Egypt and joined by his family in 1670 BC.

1550 to 1069 BC  Egyptian Empire reigns
1445 BC Moses leads God’s people out of Egypt

1405 BC Joshua leads the people into the Promised Land
1398-1050 BC The Judges rule Israel

1050 BC Israel’s first King - Saul - is annointed followed by David and Solomon.
930 BC Israel is divided into two kingdoms.

884-612 BC Assyria is a world empire
723 Israel is taken captive to Assyria and the prophet Isaiah lived.
700-800s BC Homer - in Ancient Greece - wrote down the epic stories his people passed on from generation to generation around campfires - The Iliad and The Odyssey.

612-539 BC Babylon is a world empire and attacks Jerusalem, Daniel and the three Holy Youths are taken captive to Babylon, Hezekiah and Jeremiah lived, and the book of Ezekial was written.
539-331 BC Persia is a world empire, and the Israelites return home to re-build the temple. This is the time of Ezra, Esther, and Nehemiah.

400s-500s BC, Ezra and the Great Assembly complete the canonization of the Old Testament.

400s BC Theatre is born as Sophocles writes his famous Oedipus plays to entertain and instruct worshippers gathered at the temples of Greek gods and goddesses for feasts.

336-323 BC Alexander the Great builds and rules his Macedonian Greek Empire.

63 BC Roman troops occupy Judea and Jerusalem falls.

44 BC Julius Caesar is assassinated.

37 BC Herod becomes King of Judea through Rome.

27 BC Roman Empire rises.

Around 20 BC, Virgil writes the epic poem, The Aeneid.

Around the year 1 - Anno Domini - The Year of Our Lord - Christ is born!

We shorten Anno Domimi to AD

How did our Lord Jesus use the Old Testament?

Image result for road to emmaus orthodox icon
Beginning at Moses and all the prophets, Jesus expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.
How do we as Christians use the Old Testament?
We see Christ.
Also, we find in the Old Testament an opportunity for repentance and for spiritual encouragement.
For repentance - we see ourselves in the sins of the people, as we pray in the C anon of St. Andrew: “Like the Israelites in the desert, thou hast made a foolish decision, O my soul; for thou hast preferred the pleasures of gluttony and passions to the refreshment of divine manna.”
For encouragement - we find examples to inspire us in our spiritual life: “The ladder seen of old by the great Patriarch Jacob is an example, O my soul, both of ascent through action and of ascent through spiritual understanding. Watch, O my soul, and take courage like the Great Patriarch Jacob of old, that thou mayest acquire action with spiritual understanding, and be named Israel, ‘the mind that sees God’; and so shalt thou penetrate the impassable darkness through contemplation, and obtain a great treasure as thy reward.”
What are the chief aids to opening our hearts to this great treasure?
    Prayer, fasting, performing spiritual and corporal works of mercy.
How should Christians read the literature of the pagans?
St. Basil suggests that “Since the life to come is to be attained through virtue, chief attention must be paid to those passages in which virtue is praised. In the pagan literature virtue is lauded in deeds as well as in words, wherefore one should study those acts of noble men which coincide with the teachings of the Scriptures. Young men must distinguish between helpful and injurious knowledge, keeping clearly in mind the Christian's purpose in life.”
What is the Christian’s purpose in life?
Our purpose is to be unified with God, to become truly human, acquiring the mind of Christ.
What does School have to do with this?
School is a tool to seek the infinite God in the world He created, to learn the ability to see reality and the habits that are required to live within reality (and not to fight against it)*. School can be a part of our transformation, our theosis.

Since it is so easy to lose focus on this, what must we do?
St. John of Kronstadt explains, ““The Christian, who is called to a heavenly country, who is only a stranger and a sojourner upon earth, ought not attach his heart to anything earthly, but should cling to God alone, the Source of life, our resurrection, and the Life eternal.”
“We are Achaians coming from Troy, beaten off our true course by winds from every d irection across the great gulf of the open sea, making for home.” Homer- The Odyssey

What are the virtues that will enable us to attain the life to come, our eternal home?
Humility, Generosity, Chastity, Gentleness, Temperance, Joyfulness, Diligence
What are the vices?
Pride, Anger, Greed, Sloth, Lust, Envy, Gluttony
What might we tell ourselves when we get angry?
“Still, we will let all this be a thing of the past, though it hurts us, and beat down by constraint the anger that rises inside us. Now I am making an end of my anger. It does not become me, unrelentingly to rage on.” ― Homer, The Iliad
How should we strive?
    Elders Barsanuphius and John encourage, “We are praying for you; and do you, according to your strength, acquire humility and submission. Do not insist on any occasion that it should be done according to your will, for from this anger is born; do not judge and do not belittle anyone, because from this the heart grows faint and the mind is blinded, and from this negligence appears and unfeelingness of heart is born. Keep ceaseless vigil, learning in the law of God, for through this the heart is warmed by heavenly fire; do not be despondent and do not weaken. God does not demand of you what is beyond your strength, but demands labor to the extent possible.”
“Let me not then die ingloriously and without a struggle, but let me first do some great thing that shall be told among men hereafter.” ― Homer, The Iliad
What if we don’t want to struggle?
“The gates of Hell are open night and day; smooth the descent and easy is the way.”
“Even his griefs are a joy long after to one that remembers all that he wrought and endured.”
“The best things, the things we treasure most, come through difficulties. If we ignore the
difficulties, we are neglecting the true joys.”
His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH

How can we acquire humility?
    O Jesus meek and humble of heart, hear me:
From the desire of being esteemed,
From the desire of being loved,
From the desire of being sought,
From the desire of being honored,
From the desire of being praised,
From the desire of being preferred,
From the desire of being consulted,
From the desire of being approved,
Deliver me, Jesus.
From the fear of being humbled,
From the fear of being despised,
From the fear of being rebuffed,
From the fear of being calumniated,
From the fear of being forgotten,
From the fear of being ridiculed,
From the fear of being wronged,
From the fear of being suspected,
Deliver me, Jesus.
That others may be loved more than I,
That others may be esteemed more than I,
That others may grow in the opinion of the world and I diminish,
That others may be chosen and I set aside,
That others may be praised and I unnoticed,
That others may be preferred before me in everything,
That others may be more holy than I, provided I am as holy as I can be,
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.

*This is from Andrew Kern's podcast Ask Andrew. I didn't make the kids memorize his name but I do want to give him credit for the lovely idea.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Age of Patriarchs - 36 Week Outline

The Reading List summarizes the curriculum. This post puts all those resources into a schedule. (scroll down to find week-by-week schedule)
You are welcome to follow along with me, share your experiences, and help me make it better!

Once a week at my home, all ages/levels gather together to add to our timeline and look at maps of where we’ve been studying during the week. Although no books for geography are included, that’s the geography plan for now.

My family will also meet together for about 30 minutes each day, one day to share poetry, another day to learn hymns... picture study, draw in nature journals, etc. All that Charlotte Mason stuff :) Additionally, this outline does not include music because I plan to follow the church year learning the troparions and communion hymns for upcoming Feasts. Also, I'll add classical paintings that go with what we are reading, which are not in this outline. Dr. Pat provides free icons for every Old Testament lesson at the bottom of this page.

This schedule does not include math, science, or foreign language, but if you would like suggestions about these, I am glad to help.

Students will need to register for the free online classes at Hillsdale College. Each linked lecture has the main lecture, a Q&A video, a quiz, and assigned readings.

The purpose of the Hillsdale courses are two fold: 1) they set the table for the feast of the books we will read and 2) they give my student practice in taking notes from a lecture.

Let Us Attend is way more expensive at Amazon than here, but the synopsis on Amazon gives you a good idea of what’s inside. This might be too much reading, but I’m putting in the schedule what corresponds to the books of the Bible we read. We may not choose to use it all. If you choose not to purchase this resource, you may want to talk to your priest about an alternative. If you find some good alternatives, please share!

We are using Roman Roads dvd series and workbooks for the Iliad and the Odyssey.

Every day my student will read Saints for the Day,  Scriptures for the Day, and books from the Fathers, like this one, to provide a larger framework from within which to study this particular time period. These are not on the schedule.

All of Dr. Pat's Orthodox Lessons are meant for Sunday School and start with a prayer. Your student could say the prayer before beginning a task or a simple, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner. They are a good resource to connect services in the Orthodox Church with references to the Old Testament books we are reading. If you belong to a co-op, this might be a good place to discuss some of the questions. We are doing Analytical Grammar this year, but feel free to ignore or replace it according to your class or family’s needs. Writing Assignments will grow out of questions and discussion from week to week, so I included it on the schedule every 2-4 weeks to remind me.

Week 1

Genesis 1-3
Wisdom: Let Us Attend (WLUA) pg 805-822 (ponderings); 709-719 (more detailed thoughts by Fathers)
Analytical Grammar (AG) 1

Week 2
Close Reading of Gen 1-3 with Commentary from the Fathers within WLUA pg 709-742
AG 2

Week 3
Genesis 4-10
Commentary on Genesis 4-5 WLUA pg 751-758
The Lamentation of Eve WLUA pg 759-766
Reflections on God's Wisdom WLUA pg 767-774
WLUA pg 813-816 (ponderings) - one of these would make a good short writing assignment

Week 4
Job 1-9
LUA - includes both text and commentary for Job pg. 10-196 (selections)

Week 5
Job 10-25
WLUA - continuing Job pg. 197-410 (selections)

Week 6
Job 26-42
WLUT - continuing Job pg. 411-651 (selections)
Writing Assignment

Week 7
Genesis 11-end
WLUA - pg. 816-822
Tower of Babel (good to discuss at co-op if possible)
Abraham (again, good to discuss aloud)

Week 8
Finish up Genesis
Joseph - #3 and "Whose Fault?"
Joseph part 2 - close read and answer
Writing Assignment

Week 8
Exodus - first half
WLUA - pg. 823-843
Moses #2 requires parental preparation ahead of time; #4 would make a good writing prompt

Week 9
Exodus - second half
Moses part 2 - #4 would make good impromptu speech or debate topics
Numbers 22-24
Balaam - skit idea if you wanted the whole family to participate

Week 10
Joshua, Judges, Ruth
Judges - Writing Prompt: Are there any conclusions we can draw from Gideon’s life about God’s work in our own lives?
1 & 2 Samuel; 1 Kings 1-2
Hannah/Samuel - good summary opportunity & written answers to discussion
Priesthood and Masculinity
David & Jonathan (friendship) good to write and then discuss in co-op
David part 2 - possible debate; also a Writing Prompt: Even though God forgives sins, does He always eliminate consequences? 

Week 12

Solomon - need clay or play dough to make a replica of the temple
Ecclesiastes - Read whole book first; activity could be done in journal
Elisha - possible party for little kids
Jonah - answer discussion questions in writing
Isaiah - Read chapters 7, 40-55 - discussion about consequences
Joel - Read the prophecy in chapter 2
AG 12

Week 13 (Greek Culture & Iliad)

Roman Roads Media - Lecture 1 & Workbook (need to print the pdf file ahead of time)
Lecture 2 & Workbook
Homer, The Iliad   - Choose one of the five themes to annotate for as you read.
Read Iliad Books 1-4 & Workbook
AG 13

Week 14 (Iliad cont)
Lecture 3 & Workbook
Iliad Books 5-9 & Workbook
Lecture 4 & Workbook
AG 14

Week 15 (Iliad cont)

Iliad Books 10-15 & Reading Questions
Lecture 5 & Lecture Questions
Iliad Books 16-18

Week 16 (Iliad cont)
Iliad 19-21 & Reading Questions
Lecture 6 & Questions
Iliad 22-24 & Reading Questions

Week 17 (Odyssey)

Lecture 7 & Questions
Homer, The Odyssey
Odyssey Books 1-4 & Reading Questions
Lecture 8 & Questions
AG 17

Week 18 (Odyssey cont)

Odyssey 5-8 & Reading Questions
Paper - Thesis Statement Due
Lecture 9 & Questions
Odyssey Books 9-10

Week 19 (Odyssey cont)
Odyssey Books 11-12 & Reading Questions
Lecture 10 & Questions
Odyssey Books 13-18
Paper - make progress

Week 20 (Odyssey cont)

Odyssey Books 19-24 & Reading Questions
Lecture 11 & Questions
Lecture 12 & Questions
Paper - Rough Draft Due
AG 20

Week 21

Exam on Epics
Paper - Final Due
The Golden Age of Greece

Week 22
Read 1st half of play

Week 23
Sophocles, cont
Read 2nd half of play

Week 24 

Note all of the Hillsdale Lectures below have reading assignments linked in the course, as well as quizzes.
Why Study the Classics?  
Life and Government in Athens
Tobit - Writing Prompt: Read the 4th chapter very carefully. What counsel does Tobit give Tobias, knowing he may never see him again? Consider the lessons Achilles, Odysseus, and Creon learned. What counsel would you give your best friend as he or she was about to leave for college or for a foreign country.
Daniel - Read 1,2,4,5, and 6 before reading the lesson and play Bible Bowl at co-op; then do rest
The Angel of the Lord
Ezra & Nehemiah - answer questions in journal
Minor Prophets - play trivia for candy at co-op
Micah - Writing Paragraph Prompt: Which is hardest for you: justice, kindness (mercy), or humility? Why? 

Week 31
Christ in the Psalms

Week 32 (The Aeneid)

Virgil, The Aeneid
Schmoop - Read the Intro page, the summary, explore the plot & major characters ("play date")
Now that we've gone through two other Epics with help, we're going to try to go through this one on our own. Close Reading, Annotating, Pondering, Being open to being Transformed by God as we Learn the story.
Read Books 1-2; give them titles.
Christ in the Psalms

Week 33 (Aeneid Cont)

Read Books 3-5
Christ in the Psalms

Week 34 (Aeneid Cont)
Read Books 6-8
Christ in the Psalms

Week 35 (Aeneid Cont)
Read Books 9-11
Christ in the Psalms

Week 36 (Aeneid Cont)

Read Book 12
Christ in the Psalms
Final Paper on the Aeneid