#20: A fun time naturally coloring eggs inspired by Martha, using beets, onion skins, blueberries, and saffron to create different colors.

#21: beautiful eggs for home and for our Pascha basket

#22: Little Builder and I learning Christos Anesti (our first Pascha in a Greek parish) using YouTube.
#23: Kulich loaves standing guard on the counter, beautiful to my heart even if I ran out of coffee cans and had to make some short, fat ones.

#24: My mother and sister helping with all those eggs and kulich, shared experiences with ones I love.
#25: Teenagers undeterred by muddy grass, still creating an egg hunt for the little ones...

#26: muscular little legs, setting off in excitement with baskets in tow

#27: Baby born on the Tuesday after Pascha last year, protected by God "from every danger, illness, and grief" despite a multiply-wrapped umbilical chord threatening her neck... now walking with the big kids and finding an egg of her own... we are so grateful she is with us.

#28: Our God-baby, shyly smiling.
#29: Hollow emtpy-tomb cookie recipe from Elizabeth; shared stories and time with my son making them.
#30: Spontaneously singing Christ is Risen in any of the three languages we now know and Little Builder breaking out in a series of multilingual *Christos Anesti!* call-outs, prompting my smiling replies, *Alethos Anesti!*
*Christos Voskresi!* *Al Massiah Kam!* *Christ is Risen!*