Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Gifts from God

60. sitting on the edge where beach meets lake, watching my son dig a canal

61. baby girl's arms wrapped around me when she first wakes up

62. reading Laura Ingalls Wilder's Farmer Boy on the couch to my son

63. beautiful red roses resting in a milk glass vase, from friends who came to dinner

64. lively dinner conversation and passionate people, kind people, gentle people, sensitive people, thoughtful people... all the myriads of people that pass our paths on a given day

65. saints and guardian angels


  1. Farmer boy is one of my favorite books. Every time I read it I am amazed by Almonzo's breakfasts and tear up when he tells his father he wants to be a farmer.

    Have you read your son "The Ox Cart Man"?
